Aids service organisations (Aidshilfen)

Person hält rote Schleife für eine Nahaufnahme hoch
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Aids service organisations (Aidshilfen) inform, support and empower people with HIV. Experienced counsellors support you in person, by phone or online, for example by talking to you, providing information, accompanying you to meetings, supporting you with complaints and much more. Your needs take centre stage.

Where can I find an Aids service organisation? (Aidshilfe)

We have collected important addresses on You can also find the local AIDS service organisations (Aidshilfen) here.

What do Aids service organisations (Aidshilfen) offer?

Local Aids service organisations (Aidshilfen) are good places to go. Here you can get information, counselling, accompaniment to meetings and support with complaints. They are usually well networked and know doctors, employers, lawyers and other local services. They work according to the principle of acceptance, respect and information - in all situations. 

The local Aids service organisations (Aidshilfen) also work on a structural level to improve life with HIV.

How do I find contact with other people living with HIV?

If you want to talk to other people living with HIV, you have the opportunity to do so at events (website only available in German) organised by Deutsche Aidshilfe, for example. The Buddy Project also offers individual support from and for people with HIV.

What does German Aids service organisation (DAH) do to fight stigmatisation, exclusion and discrimination?

Here at the DAH, we have set up a contact point that campaigns against discrimination and thus stands by the side of people with HIV. This also includes promoting social change, because discrimination takes place in unequal power relations. In addition to individual counselling in cases of discrimination, the contact point also campaigns for equal treatment through events, brochures and awareness campaigns.

Hand hält Handy mit Aidshilfenummer im Display

We stand by you with all our experience!





  • Aids service organisations (Aidshilfen) also offer anonymous counselling.
  • The DAH also offers counselling online and by telephone:
  • Aids service organisations (Aidshilfen) know how to find self-help services and contact other people affected by discrimination.
  • Events organised by the DAH empower and network people with HIV.